Thursday, April 21, 2016

Blog 22: Independent Component 2

(A) “I, Brandy Govea , affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 40 hours of work.”(B) The main source i used in my independent component was my Mentor Mrs.Aguirre, she is a kindergarten teacher at Edgewood Academy. (C) Independent Component Hours 
(D) For my independent component 2 i made a Unit Plan alongside with my mentor, I helped my mentor come up with a unit that connects to common core standards and that helps the class be more project based.  (E) My mentor Mrs.Aguirre explained to me that we had to come up with a project for the students that  had to focus on geometrical shapes and buildings because that is what they were learning in the core class. So with the help of my mentor we decided that we were going to have the students make buildings you would find on a college campus, since the school really likes to encourage college in the students future, from boxes, because they are geometrical shapes. I made a list with the students about different types of career paths they wanted to take in their future. The students learned about different buildings at colleges such as : natural sciences building, agricultural building, and psychological and behavioral building etc. After they learned about the different buildings, I worked with them to fill out a worksheet that explained what they wished to be when they grew up, and what building they would study at. After that, we worked with the students to create a college campus out of the boxes and made them choose where 
(F)Working on this independent component, and being so hands-on in the classroom made me realize how important all three of my answers are for my essential question (How can a kindergarten teacher be effective?) . 1. Patience, it took a lot of patience to be working with the students because at times i would want to rush through the work they were doing because it was easy to me but i had to slow down and realize that they were just learning it. 2. Classroom control while working with the students as we were making the different buildings it was very easy for the class to be able to get out of hand so, me and my mentor really had to watch and stay cautious with all the students. 3. Organization, throughout the course of working on the unit plan and unit i realized how important it was to be staying on track and to be very organized. 

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